Thursday, June 2, 2016

TOW The Minimalism Game | Day 1 + 2

The Minimalism Game 

Note: my version of The Minimalism Game includes other shenanigans, such as old email addresses, pictures, things you waste time with online, thoughts and ideas, etc. 

Yesterday, the first day of June, my sister-in-law and I began a month of The Minimalism Game. You can say I probably went a little overboard on day 1, considering you're only required to get rid of one item. 

1. I deleted my “spam” email account. Yes, my YouTube channel with a few random videos that I uploaded many years ago were attached to that account. Yes, a few random accounts were also attached. But I moved a few things over to my main email account, and I’ll no longer be spending an extra 90 seconds checking that excess email address every day. 

2. In the spirit of digital minimizing, I also began unfollowing blogs and Instagram accounts of things I waste time scrolling past or stopping to look at because there’s a “buy one get one 1/2 off” or “free shipping” on a cute swimsuit shop I followed two years ago when I told myself “I’ll buy one of these when I get skinny."
Here’s why I began unfollowing those accounts: 
I want less. Less ads (which is exactly what every post is from these accounts). Less nonsense. How often have I actually bought anything from any of those accounts? Maybe once or twice. How much time have I wasted looking at what they’re selling: the lifestyle, the cute outfits, the potential adventures? Too much. 
I want more. More connections with my family and friends. More cute pictures of dogs, more family history and pictures of cousins, nieces and nephews. More time for myself and my relationships. 
I’m not saying these accounts are bad. I’ve actually received a lot of inspiration for my own life from many of these accounts. However, in the spirit of minimalism and less consumerism, I decided to free myself from the influence of those accounts, and rely more on personal inspiration for my own life, rather than inspiration from my Instagram feed. 

3. I cancelled my gym membership, while “snacking on” (eating lunch from) a bowl of candy. I’ve been paying $20/month for a gym membership that I haven’t used since November of last year. It’s the beginning of June now, and every week since November I have told myself “I’ll go this week because I’ll have more time when I finish (fill in the blank with some big project)”, but every week rolls around and there’s another big project to finish. “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor talks about making things easier for you to accomplish. If you want to go to the gym every morning, put your workout clothes next to your bed, or sleep in them so all you have to do is wake up and go! Well, with my gym being a 15 minute drive from my apartment, that has been a mountain that I have had no energy to climb and no longer wish to carry the weight of that mountain on my shoulders. In the past, I’ve been the happiest and most successful with living room workouts (i.e. the bikini body guide). I use my own body weight (or minimal weights), I don’t have to go anywhere, and it can be done anytime. However, with a $20/month gym membership, I feel like living room workouts are a waste of money. Why workout at home when I’m paying for a gym membership? So I cancelled my membership. Now I have one less bill to pay, more money in my account, and feel free to do my living room workout (which will hopefully inspire me to eat nutritiously instead of from a bowl of candy). 

Day 2: Expired pantry items, magazines, and birthday wishes. 

When I got home from work and was thinking about what to eat, I realized I wasn't even sure what was still good to eat in my pantry. So I took a few minutes to sort through and organize the little bit that I have, throwing away anything that was expired. 

While flipping through some handed down magazines from a co-worker that were accumulating on my coffee table (which I threw away afterwards), I found a heart-warming article about A Birthday Wish:

"We exist to give children in foster care a birthday gift and card selected specifically for them. In the process, we work to raise awareness about the issues surrounding foster care and advocate for better ways to serve these wonderful children. Through the money we raise we are able to reach children on their birthday with a message of hope, in celebration of their life."

My birthday is at the end of this month, and I've been thinking lately about what I'd like to buy for myself or what new adventure I'd like to go on, etc. This article humbled me, and so on the second day of TMG, I donated to ABW to fulfill a foster child's birthday wish, instead of pondering my own birthday wishes filled with selfish thoughts of a day all about me. I have been blessed with family and friends who care about me, and that's more than I deserve. 
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